Richard Duschl, the Waterbury Chair in Secondary Education for the Pennsylvania State University, will lead NCSCE and SENCER’s teacher preparation initiatives. Prior to joining Penn State, Richard held the chair of science education at King’s College London and served on the faculties of Rutgers, Vanderbilt and the University of Pittsburgh. He recently served as chair of the National Research Council research synthesis report Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K-8 (National Academies Press, 2007). With Richard Grandy, he co-edited Teaching Scientific Inquiry: Implications for Research and Implementation (SensePublishers, 2008). His research focuses on establishing epistemic learning environments and on the role of students’ inquiry and argumentation processes. Richard has twice received the JRST Award (1989; 2003) for the outstanding research article published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching. He also served for more than a decade as editor of the research journal Science Education and editor for TC Press “Ways of Knowing in Science and Math” book series. For SENCER, Richard has participated in several symposia on teacher preparation. At the most recent SENCER Summer Institute, he co-facilitated a colloquium on “SENCERizing K-8 Teacher Education: Effectively Coordinating Concepts and Practices across STEM and Education Courses” and a plenary session, “4+1 Pillars of Undergraduate STEM Education.” Picture: