NCSCE and KQED are partnering on Do Now U, a project that engages undergraduate students in online discussions through social media about current scientific issues.

This week’s Do Now U tackles the question, “Which is Healthier: Vegetarian or Omnivore?” Hannah Feiten, Riya Rana, Courtney Brenner, Erick Ramirez, Alexis Burchfield, and Constance Fonseca, students in Dr. Autumn Marshall’s Professional Orientation course at Lipscomb University, created the post and invite the public to share their thoughts.

In the post, the students outline some of the health benefits and drawbacks of each diet. For instance, a vegetarian diet is shown to lessen the risk of certain diseases, but an omnivorous diet is richer in certain proteins and vitamins that improve bone and brain health.

[bctt tweet=”Which is Healthier: Vegetarian or Omnivore? #DoNowUOmnivore @KQED” username=”NCSCE”]

Join the Conversation!
Engage your students in the debate about vegetarian vs. omnivorous diets by assigning this Do Now U post as a short warm-up or homework assignment. Students can participate by commenting directly on the post, or sharing their thoughts and research on Twitter using the hashtag #DoNowUOmnivore.

Explore previous Do Now U posts to discover other ongoing conversations about topics ranging from environmental vs. economic issues, government responses to civic crisis, global health concerns, and more.

Photo credit: Hannah Feiten