Registration for the 2016 SENCER Summer Institute is now open. SSI 2016 will be hosted by Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois from July 28th – August 1, 2016.

We have streamlined what was previously the SSI application process to be simpler and easier by combining it with the registration process. Registration will be required for each person attending the Institute and will give us a sense of the interests, goals, and talents that you bring to SSI, along with with the logistical information needed to make your experience comfortable and enjoyable. You will also be able to propose a poster or concurrent session as part of the registration process. As always, we will use the data from this process to shape a program that meets your needs as participants.

Every person attending SSI must complete the registration process. Those participating as individuals, or as the leaders of groups or teams, must complete an additional section of the form to outline their objectives.

New Registration Discounts: In addition to streamlining the SSI registration process, we are also introducing some new registration discounts. This year, we will have early, regular, and late registration.

  • Early registration, available until March 11, 2016, will be $700 per registrant.
  • Regular registration, available from March 12, 2016 until June 17, 2016, will be $750 per registrant.
  • Late registration, beginning June 18, 2016, will be offered on a space-available basis, and will be $800 per registrant.

The SSI 2016 webpage will be updated as the Institute approaches with more information on the speakers, program, and logistics.

We look forward to your participation and to what we can accomplish at this year’s Institute!

If you have any questions about the SENCER Summer Institute, please contact Kyle Simmons, NCSCEā€™s Faculty Development Events Manager, at

[su_button url=”″ background=”#004C1A” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”4″]Register[/su_button]