Karen Kackley and Eileen Grodziak hosted the SCI-MidAtlantic regional meeting at Penn State Lehigh Valley on October 29. The focus of the meeting was “SENCER: STEM and the ARTS,” with exciting presentations by professors across multiple institutions and departments. Jonathan Kieter, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at East Stroudsburg University, presented on “Anamorphic Art and Mathematics,” a public art project where a deliberately distorted image can be perceived as “normal” when viewed from one and only one viewing spot.

[bctt tweet=”‘@SENCERnet: STEM and the ARTS’ Focus of SCI-MidAtlantic Meeting at @PSULehighValley #STEMHumanities” username=”NCSCE”]

Jorge Santiago-Blay of Penn State York presented his integrated approach “The Humanities, Including the Arts, and Social Sciences in the Teaching and Learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): Exploring this Ecotone and Proposing an Explicitly Inclusive Approach (ISTEM)” with highlights of STEM-Arts projects from his own courses and colleagues.

Ella Braden of Bryn Mawr College sparked a great deal of dialogue and discussion with her “STEM and Arts” mini-course. Karen Kackley and Eileen Grodziak invited brainstorming around a new course, “Coffee,” as a focus for an integrated biology, culture and political science “travel” course, with additional ideas for connections to mathematics, physics, and astronomy from Dan Jackson and Todd Retzlaff of PSU-LV.