"Is Milk Good or Bad for You?"

Do Now U! Is Milk Good or Bad for You?

NCSCE and KQED are partnering on a new project, Do Now U. Do Now U engages undergraduate students in online discussions about current scientific issues through the innovative use of social media.

This week, Do Now U takes on the question—Got milk? Kayla Ostrom, Adeline Fulmer, Julia Hagaman, Heather Ramsey, and Elaina Carlisle, students at Lipscomb University, discuss the ongoing debate about whether or not milk is good for us. As the students point out, milk is a nutrient rich beverage, containing many of the vitamins our bodies need, but it can also contain antibiotics that might have adverse effects on human health.

Learn more about both sides of the debate by visiting the Do Now U post “Is Milk Good or Bad for You?”

Join the Conversation!

Do Now U is an excellent way to engage your students in a public national conversation. Use it as a warm up exercise or extra credit assignment to improve your students’ science communication and media literacy skills. Encourage them to comment on the post or use social media to participate by using the hashtag #DoNowUMilk on Twitter.

Previous Do Now U post topics range from cloud storage of healthcare data to government responses to city water crises. Explore all Do Now U posts and engage your students in national debates.

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