The department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at The New School’s Eugene Lang College offers multiple courses that approach science and education from interdisciplinary points of view while incorporating explorations of real-world issues. SENCER Leadership Fellow Katayoun Chamany’s STEM Cells and Social Justice, a SENCER model course, challenges students to investigate, through role-play, how a lawmaker might vote on federally funded stem cell research. In recognition of the transformative education provided at Eugene Lang, Katayoun will serve as the College’s first-ever endowed professor, made possible by a $2.5 million donation from the parents of Larkin Mohn, Interdisciplinary Science ‘14. The donation will help Katayoun develop new student learning opportunities and help financially support students performing unpaid internships or research. To learn more about Katayoun’s new role and the department’s educational impact, continue reading.

[bctt tweet=”.@KatayounChams Appointed as Eugene Lang College’s First-Ever Endowed Professor” username=”NCSCE”]