We invite all members of the SENCER community to join us as we launch the STEM-Humanities Consortium, a loose affiliation of higher education faculty who are actively engaged in working across cross-disciplines to tackle civic issues. This consortium will serve as a community of support, and will create a network of collaborative faculty.

We are reaching out the SENCER community for help  in two major areas: 1) people willing to help us frame this initiative by helping us edit publicity notices and  flyers, and/or 2) can help us identify potentially interested faculty particularly in the Maryland/DC/Virginia area, and particularly those teaching at 2-year community colleges.

If you would be willing to offer suggestions on our starting materials and flyers and/or if you know of colleagues to whom we can reach out to become involved in this effort, please contact us. Our contact information is given below.  Please respond no later than Friday, October 6, 2017.


Thank you,

Dr. Gillian Backus, Professor of Biology, Northern Virginia Community College, gbackus [at] nvcc.edu

Dr. Rita Kranidis, Professor of English, Montgomery College, rita.kranidis [at] montgomerycollege.edu